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This Concept Map has information related to: Zoom-Serious Illness-Meningitis-Kidney Bladder Stones-Urinary Tract Infection, Meningitis symptom Fever, severe headache; stiff neck, lies with head & neck bent back, vomitting & sleepy, Kidney or Bladder Stones symptom Severe pain in lower back, the side or the lower belly, or in the base of the penis in men; The Urinary tube is blocked, person has difficulty passing urine or cannot pass any, or drops of blood may come out when the person begins to urinate; There may be a urinary infection at the same time, Meningitis means Serious infection of brain, common in child, Kidney or Bladder Stones treatment Drink lot of water when person can urinate or has no swelling of the hands and face; If person has fever one should take pills of Sulfonamide or Ampicillin or Tetracycline; Medicine for 10 days or more may be necessary for completely controlling the infection along with lot of water; Consult Doctor, Kidney or Bladder Stones treatment Drink a lot of water; Give Aspirin or an Antisp- asmodic; Try to urinate while lying down; Consult doctor in severe cases, Urinary Tract Infections symptom Sometimes Fever & Chills or Headache; Pain in the side; Painful urination & need to urinate very often; Urine may be cloudy or reddish (bloody); Sometimes pain in the lower back (kidneys); Sometimes the pain seems to go down the legs; Com- mon signs are blood in the urine & pain in the lower belly; Serious Problem- Pain in the mid or lower back, often spreading around the sides below the ribs, with fever, Urinary Tract Infections treatment Drink lot of water when person can urinate or has no swelling of the hands and face; If person has fever one should take pills of Sulfonamide or Ampicillin or Tetracycline; Medicine for 10 days or more may be necessary for completely controlling the infection along with lot of water; Consult Doctor, Meningitis needs to do until medical help comes Injection- Ampicilin 500 mg every 4 hours, Aspirin & wet cloth to lower high fever and rush to doctor as every minute counts
Health Care Concepts
Health Care Concept Zoom
Zoom-Serious Illness-Enlarged Prostate Gland-Gonorrhea
Zoom-Serious Illnesses-Miscarriage-Placenta Blocking-Toxemia-Hemorrhaging
Zoom-Serious Illnesses-Tuberculosis Rheumatic Fever
Zoom- Serious Illness-Kidney Damage- Blood Flukes
Zoom-Serious Illness-Meningitis-Kidney Bladder Stones-Urinary Tract Infection
Zoom- Serious Illness-Obstructed - Gut Appendicitis - Peritonitis
Serious Illness Symptom Healing